Saturday, September 29, 2012

In Cold Blood - Blog # 2

Please respond to the following prompts.  2 - 4 sentences should suffice.  Use quotes when stipulated.

1.  There is much testimony relating to physical accidents and psychological instability - do you agree or disagree with this train of thought?

2.  Dr. Jones came to different verdicts about Dick and Perry.  Who knew "right from wrong at the time of the offence" (288)?

3.  There were "Two features" in Perry's personality that made him "particularly pathological" (289.  What are they?  Use a quote as support.

4.  Why are Dick and Perry "...Murderers who seem rational, coherent and controlled, and yet whose homicidal acts have a bizarre, apparently senseless quality..." (290 - 291)?

5.  Why are three of the murders "logically motivated" (294)?  Use a quote as support.

6.  To me, the following quote, said by Perry, is highly summative of this book as a whole.  Agree or disagree.  Why?

"'I didn't want to harm the man.  I thought he was a very nice gentleman.  Soft-spoken.  I thought so right up to the moment I cut his throat...They [the Clutters] never hurt me.  Like other people.  Like people have all my life.  Maybe it's just that the Clutters were the ones who had to pay for it'" (294).

7.  Agre or disagree.  Capital punishment is "'a relic of human barbarism'" (295).

8.  What is the difference between the Durham Rule and the M'Naughten Rule (308 - 309)?

9.  Games up.  What do you reckon?  They should be on the death row - yes or no?